RegList.Items[7].Text=Scan redundance Internet Country code
RegList.Items[8].Text=Scan redundance Windows mouse style
RegList.Items[9].Text=Scan redundance timezone
N2.Caption=&Remove this invalid entry
RegEdit1.Caption=Remove &all invalid entries
N5.Caption=Select all entries
N6.Caption=UnSelect all entries
RegEdit2.Caption=&View with RegEdit
mi_Startup.Caption=&Remove Selected Entries
Removealllistedfiles1.Caption=Remove All Entries
//added in version 4.8
tsbackup.Caption=Backup or Restore Registry
btnBackup.Caption=Backup Now
btnBackup.Hint=Backup Now
lvBakRegFile.Columns[0].Caption=Backup Profile Name
lvBakRegFile.Columns[2].Caption=Date Created
//Form of StartUp Organizer
gbProgram.Caption=Program Information
lv_version.Columns[0].Caption=Item Name
btn_add.Caption=&Add Program
btnManageBlackList.caption=&Manage Black Name List
lv_program.Columns[1].Caption=Program Name
lv_program.Columns[3].Caption=Command Line
tv_program.Items[0].Text=All Programs
tv_program.Items[1].Text=Startup Menu
tv_program.Items[2].Text=Current User
tv_program.Items[3].Text=All Users
tv_program.Items[5].Text=Current User
tv_program.Items[8].Text=Local Machine
tv_program.Items[18].Text=Recycle Bin
mi_Startup.Caption=Startup Menu
mi_Startup_CUser.Caption=Current User
mi_Startup_AUser.Caption=All Users
mi_Reg_CUser.Caption=Current User
mi_Reg_LMachine.Caption=Local Machine
mi_findtarget.Caption=Find Target
mi_open.Caption=Open Item
AddProgram1.Caption=Add Program
mi_Startup_AUser1.Caption=All Users
CurrentUser1.Caption=Current User
LocalMachine1.Caption=Local Machine
StartupMenu1.Caption=Startup Menu
CurrentUser2.Caption=Current User
Caption=Startup Guard
tsCheckNewStartUp.Caption=Check New Startup
lbApprove.Caption=Do you want approve this at startup?
cbAddToBlack.Caption=Add to BlackName List
lbFindNewStartup.Caption=Super Utilities found a new app at windows startup!
tsBlackName.Caption=Black Name List
lvBlackName.Columns[1].Caption=Running Command
//Form of Uninstall Plus
tsInstalled.Caption=Installed Software
ListView1.Columns[1].Caption=Uninstall Command
lv_softinfo.Columns[0].Caption=Item Name
lv_softinfo.Columns[1].Caption=Item Info
lv_softinfo.Items[4].Caption=Installed On
btnDel.Caption=&Delete Entry
tsHided.Caption=Hidden Items
lvHidden.Columns[1].Caption=Uninstall Command
MIDelete.Caption=&Delete Entry
//Form of Memory Turbo
gbCleaner.Caption=Memory Cleaner
lbHint.Caption=Memory Cleaner is a Memory Manager and Optimization tool that increases your system performance by making more RAM available for your applications and the operating system.
btnFree.Caption=&Free Memory
gbStatus.Caption=Memory Status
//Form of ShortCut Repair
rgOptions.Caption=Scan Options
cbDesktop.Caption=Start Menu and Desktop
cbAllDrivers.Caption=All Drive(s) specified with the 'Driver List'
lvShortcuts.Columns[3].Caption=Link Description
eplDriver.Caption=Check the boxes of the drive(s) you wish to scan.
pmiDeleteFiles.Caption=All files under this folder
pmiRefreshNode.Caption=This selected folder
SaveDialog.Title=Save file
SaveHtmlDialog.Title=Save file
//Form of Super Shell
tsEnhance.Caption=Super Shell Manager
lbHint.Caption=Checked items will appear in the "Super Utilities" item of context menu.
ts_Sendto.Caption=SendTo Manager
lbHint2.Caption=The items checked below appear on your Send To Menu. Remove the checkmark beside any item to hide it from the menu. You also can add new items to Send To Menu.
SkinDirBox.Title=Select folder
lbName.Caption=Send to Name:
//Form of Password
lbPswHint.Caption=Enter your password:
//Form of Options
tsStandard.Caption=Standard Settings
gbPassword.Caption=Password Protect
lbConfirm.Caption=Confirm Password:
cbEnablePassword.Caption=Enable Password Ptotect
gbRunning.Caption=Running Settings
cbStartUp.Caption=Auto Run When Windows Starts
cbMiniToTray.Caption=Minimize To Tray
cbAutoEraseTracks.Caption=Auto Erase Tracks When Windows Starts
btnSaveStarandSetting.Caption=&Save Settings
MenuButton.Caption=Menu button
l_UpdateComplete.Caption=Preview update complete!
l_UpdatingPreview.Caption=Updating preview...
//Form of Update
lbInfo2.Lines[0].Text=Superlogix UpdateWizard allows you to keep your Superlogix product always updated
lbInfo2.Lines[1].Text=with the most recent version. An internet connection is required.
lbInfo3.Caption=Click on "Next" to download update information file and get available updates.
lbWelcome.Caption=Welcome to Superlogix UpdateWizard
lbInfo1.Lines[0].Text=Super Utilities is being developed and updated by the programmers.Modules are being improved
lbInfo1.Lines[1].Text=and bugs found in the software are being removed. Technology is also constantly changing, so
lbInfo1.Lines[2].Text=some tools have to be kept up to date.
lbInfo5.Lines[0].Text=Superlogix UpdateWizard will now determine whether there are updates availablefor your superlogix
lbInfo6.Lines[0].Text=UpdateWizard is connecting to a Superlogix-Server to download the list
lbInfo6.Lines[1].Text=of available updates.
lbInfo4.Caption=Determining the available updates from web server
lbInfo8.Lines[0].Text=Superlogix UpdateWizard successfully accuired a list of the available updatesfor your superlogix
lbInfo7.Caption=List of all available updates in web server
lbInfo9.Caption=Click on "Next" to download special updates and update your product.
clb_list.Caption=Available updates:
tsDownload.Caption=download updates
lbInfo11.Lines[0].Text=Superlogix UpdateWizard will now download special updates from web server for your superlogix
lbinfo12.Lines[0].Text=UpdateWizard is downloading special updates now. Please wait a few minutes and
lbinfo12.Lines[1].Text=don't abort it.
lbInfo10.Caption=Downloading the available updates from web server
Btn_Back.Caption=< &Back
Btn_Next.Caption=&Next >
//Form of IE Privacy Manager
lbHintURL.Caption=URLs manager is a utility that lets you keep only the URLs you want to see in the Internet Explorer's address bar. It can also be used for clearing Internet Explorer Address Bar history.
tsURL.Caption=URLs Manager
btnDeleteURL.Caption=&Erase Selected Url(s)
btnClearURL.Caption=&Clear All Url(s)
lvURL.Columns[1].Caption=Last Visited
sbtnDeleteUrl.Hint=Erase Selected Url(s)
spSkinSpeedButton3.Hint=Clear All Url(s)
lbHintHistory.Caption=History manager is a utility that lets you keep only the history you want to see in the Internet Explorer's address bar. It can also be used for clearing Internet Explorer history.
tsHistory.Caption=History Manager
btnCdUp.Hint=Back to Parent Folder
btnDelete.Hint=Erase Selected History Item(s)
btnClear.Hint=Clear All History Item(s)
btnDeleteHistoryItem.Caption=&Erase Selected History Item(s)
btnClearHistoryItem.Caption=&Clear All History Item(s)
lbHintCookie.Caption=Cookie manager is a utility that lets you clearly manage the cookies created by Internet Explorer. It's useful for people who cares about his privacy but don't want to disable or block all the cookies.
tsCookie.Caption=Cookie Manager
lvCookie.Columns[1].Caption=Cookie Name(s)
btnDeleteCookie.Caption=&Erase Selected Cookie(s)
btnClearCookies.Caption=&Clear All Cookie(s)
miDeleteUrl.Caption=&Erase Selected Url(s)
miClearUrl.Caption=&Clear All Url(s)
miDeleteHistory.Caption=&Erase Selected History Item(s)
miClearHistory.Caption=&Clear All History Item(s)
BackToParentFolder1.Caption=&Back To Parent Folder
lbScanType.Caption=Select which scan you want to perform, change scan settings if required and click the Start Scan button. Select Quick Scan for speed.
crbQuickScan.Caption=Quick Scan
crbCustomScan.Caption=Custom Scan
crbFullScan.Caption=Full Scan
btnStart.Caption=Start Scan
lbQSProcess.Caption=Scan of running processes
lbQSRegistry.Caption=Scan of system registry
lbQSCookie.Caption=Scan of tracking cookies
lbQSFile.Caption=Scan of system folder and known files
lbQuickScan.Caption=Use Quick Scan option if you want a fast scan of your system. This scan is recommended for everyday use, however you should use a full scan when you run this program for the first time.
lbCustomScan.Caption=Use Custom Scan to specify which categories should be used to scan your computer.
crbCSProcesses.Caption=Scan of running processes
crbCSRegistry.Caption=Scan of system registry
crbCSCookies.Caption=Scan of tracking cookies
crbCSFiles.Caption=Scan of system folder and known files
lbSREntry.Caption=Scanning entry:
lbSRProgress.Caption=Scan progress:
lbSRDBCount.Caption=Signatures in the database:
lbSRObject.Caption=Objects processed:
lbSRInfection.Caption=Infections found:
lbScanResult.Caption=Please wait a moment while Spyware Removal scan your system.
gbProgram.Caption=Detailed Information
lvInformation.Columns[0].Caption=Item Name
btnRemoveSelected.Caption=Remove Selected
btnRemoveAll.Caption=Remove All
lvSWList.Columns[0].Caption=Spyware Name
lbSpyList.Caption=The spyware list detectd by Spyware Removal.
lbSLInfectionFound.Caption=Infections found:
miRemoveSelected.Caption=Remove Selected Items
miRemoveAll.Caption=Remove All Items
miViewwihtRegedit.Caption=&View with Regedit
miFindTarget.Caption=&Find Target
//System Cleaner
cnSysClean=System Cleaner
mnDiskClean=Disk Cleaner
hint_DiskClean=Make your system run faster by removing unnecessary files from your hard drive, deleting data that you don't need, and freeing up valuable space.
mnSpyClean=Spyware Removal
hint_SpyClean=Detect and clean thousands of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, spybots and tracking threats from your PC. Protect your privacy and computing habits from prying eyes and virtual trespassers.
mnRegClean=Registry Cleaner
hint_RegClean=If you're like most Windows users, your Registry is full of invalid data and references to programs and drivers . The Registry is the heart of your Windows system. Make it clean and efficient again, and your computer will be faster and more stable.
mnUninstall=Uninstall Plus
hint_Uninstall=Most software that you've uninstalled is still partially there. Uninstaller Plus removes it fully, resulting in a smoother, more stable computer. This utility can also hide some of your installed programs, so other people don't accidentally wipe them out.
mnMemTurbo=Memory Turbo
hint_MemTurbo=Have you noticed that your computer runs slower and slower as the hours pass? The main reason is that the programs that you close don't free up your valuable system memory properly. Memory Turbo ensures that memory is given back to you. This results in brisker computing, and fewer system crashes.
mnStartup=StartUp Organizer
hint_Startup=Your computer runs more slowly now than it did when it was new. Part of your problem is that you have software running that you really don't need. StartUp Organizer lets you get rid of the useless utilities that automatically load each time you start Windows - the utilities that are slowing down your important applications.
mnShortCut=Shortcuts Repairer
hint_ShortCut=Most often you delete/move the target file or folder of a shortcut, making that shortcut invalid. This utility searches your disk for such dead shortcuts, and can even fix them, by automatically searching for moved targets.
//Privacy Protector
cnPrivacy=Privacy Protector
mnFileGuardian=Hide Folder
hint_FileGuardian=Hide your files and folders from snoopy people. They can't read, modify,or destroy your information if they can't find it.
mnTrackErase=Tracks Washer
hint_TrackErase=Protect your privacy, save storage space, and improve the performance of your computer by erasing the tracks left by Windows, your Internet browser, and other programs. Don't let people see what you've been doing.
mnExelock=Super ExeLock
hint_ExeLock=Password protect your programs. Lock unauthorized people out of your spreadsheet, money manager, word processor, and any program that contains private information.
mnShredder=Super Shredder
hint_Shredder=If you've deleted sensitive, private files, the bad guys can restore them. With Super Shredder, the files are permanently destroyed. Super Shredder conforms to the US Department of Defense's privacy standards.
mnSuperMenuGuard=Super MenuGuard
hint_SuperMenuGuard=Nobody should know what web sites you've bookmarked in Internet Explorer. With IE Favorites Guard, you can easily manage your favorite sites, and keep other people from seeing them. Easily add programs to the Windows Start Menu, and hide the ones that you don't want other people to know you're using.
mnIETracks=IE Privacy Manager
hint_IETracks=Would you like an easy way to erase selective autocomplete urls and history items of IE? IE Privacy Manager will help you to show only the URLS and history items that you want to see in the Internet Explorer. It not only erases typed urls, history, and other personal information, it also erases information stored in hidden index.dat files, without even restarting your operating system.
mnIEPass=IE Password Manager
hint_IEPass=Help you manage the passwords and all autoComplete strings stored on your computer by Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and MSN Explorer. You can clean up, show/hide and even copy them to other computer.
//System Maintence
cnMaintence=System Maintenance
mnProcess=Process Manager
hint_Process=There are more programs running on your computer than you realize. Process Manager makes it easy for you to take control of what's running. You can easily lock out dangerous processes.
mnManagerWin=Windows Manager
hint_ManagerWin=Would you like an easy way to determine which windows are open or closed, and which always stay on top? Windows Manager will make you more efficient by tailoring Windows to meet your individual needs.
mnIE=IE Protector
hint_IE=More and more web sites are installing malicious code onto your hard drive, or changing your browser settings, without your permission. Lock the bad guys out of your computer by keeping them from misusing Internet Explorer.
mnBHOCleaner=BHO Cleaner
hint_BHOCleaner=BHO Cleaner is a security tool designed to remove unwanted browser helper objects that can hijack a user's computer, invade the user's privacy, or even worse, steal his/her identity. Installing BHO Cleaner will protect the user's computer. It will detect existing, unwanted BHO and protect and alert the user to any new attempts to add BHO.
mnUndelete=Super Undelete
hint_Undelete=If you've accidentally erased an important file, it may still be on your hard drive. If it's possible to restore it, Super Undelete will help you.
mnSysPerform=System Information
hint_SysPerform=System Information takes a deep look into your computer and gathers numerous facts about your hardware and software in only a few seconds. This data can be important for you when you want to upgrade the system or when you are asked by a support technician if certain components are installed on your computer.
//Special tools
cnSpecial=Special Tools
mnAutoShutdown=Auto Shutdown
hint_AutoShutdown=Your can increase security by powering down your computer automatically at the end of the workday, or on any schedule. This award-winning utility is a complete shutdown, restart, and logoff manager.
mnFolderSize=Folder Analyzer
hint_FolderSize=If you've ever wondered where on earth all of your free hard drive space has gone, this handy utility will tell you. You can view your folders and subfolders, and see where files are accumulating.
mnDriverBak=Driver Backup
hint_DriverBak=If you've ever tried to upgrade Windows, or restore Windows after a system crash, you've learned that you need to find software drivers for your mouse, hard drive, CDROM, and a dozen other hardware devices. Driver Backup grabs all of your drivers, and stores them for you in a safe place, so they'll be handy when you really need them.
mnSuperShell=Super Shell
hint_SuperShell=Here's a handy collection of tools that you can use just by right-clicking a file or folder. Save time and work more efficiently with this suite of context-menu shell extensions.
//Options and help
hint_Options=Change the settings of Super Utilities including run settings, password and skins.
hint_Update=Help you to keep your Super Utilities always updated with the most recent version. You should execute UpdateWizard regularly in order to keep the Super Utilities up to date.
hint_About=Welcome to your world of Super Utilities! 25 powerful tools to Fix, Speed up, Maintain and Protect Your PC. Make your computer run faster, safer, with greater privacy and security.
//const value for Disk Cleaner
c_frmQuickClean_Total=%fMB selected.
c_frmQuickClean_Free=%fMB free on all non-removeable drives.
c_frmQuickClean_CanClean=%fMB can be freed on all non-removeable drives.
c_frmQuickClean_All=Total size of the non-removeable drives is %fGB.
c_frmQuickClean_Complete=Quick clean complete!
c_frmQuickClean_SerieFree=Free space
c_frmQuickClean_SerieCanClean=Space for clean
c_frmQuickClean_SerieUsed=Used space
c_frmQuickClean_HistoryConfirm=This selection will permanently erase all history files of Internet Explorer! Do you really want to do this?
c_frmQuickClean_CacheConfirm=This selection will permanently erase all cache files of Internet Explorer! Do you really want to do this?
c_cleanfileform_usedspace=MB have been used
c_cleanfileform_freespace=MB free
c_cleanfileform_stopscan=The scan has been finished
c_cleanfileform_scandir=Current directory
c_cleanfileform_choosedriver=Please choose the driver that you want to scan!
c_cleanfileform_lookfolder=Browse the folder
c_cleanfileform_scanover=Scan finished
c_cleanfileform_total=Total size
c_cleanfileform_deleteover=Deletion finish
c_cleanfileform_deleting=Deleting...please waiting for a moment!
c_cleanfileform_filesize=Size :
c_cleanfileform_totalsize=Total size :
c_cleanfileform_selectsize=Selected size :
c_cleanfileform_confirm=Are you sure to delete the type that you have selected?
c_cleanfileform_retrieve=Are you sure to get back the beginning?
c_cleanfileform_damage=The file has been destoryed!
c_cleanfileform_stopcfm=If you want to change to other page ,please finish the scan!Are you sure to finish?
c_cleanfileform_zerofile=Scan zero size file
c_cleanfileform_readfile=Scan readonly file
c_cleanfileform_sysfile=Scan system file
c_cleanfileform_noadddrive=Can not add driver!
c_cleanfileform_totalfile= %d files
//const value for Registry Cleaner
c_frmRegClean_scanto=Number of invalid entries found:
c_frmRegClean_suredel=Are you sure you want to remove checked entry form Registry?
c_frmRegClean_suredel1=Are you sure you want to remove all the invalid and redundant entries form Registry?
c_frmRegClean_surerestore=Are you sure you want to undo the changes to the Registry?
c_frmRegClean_delbacksure=Are you sure you want to permanently discard the undo information for the changes made to the Registry?
c_frmRegClean_WantChangePage=Now scanning!Do you really want to stop and turn to another page?
c_frmRegClean_alarm=Please select items that you want to remove!
c_frmRegClean_inefectiveapperance=redundance Windows & mouse style
c_frmRegClean_infectiveinstall=invalid uninstall information
c_frmRegClean_infectivepath=invalid file or path
c_frmRegClean_openfilerecord=Open file history list
c_frmRegClean_openapprecord=Open program history list
//const value for StartUp Organizer
c_frmStart_confOverWriteEnabled=A program with the same name already exists. Overwrite it?
c_frmStart_confOverWriteUnabled=A program unactivated with the same name already exists. Overwrite it?
c_frmStart_confDelProgram=Are you sure to remove the selected items?
c_frmStart_confRecoverProgram=Are you sure to recover the selected items?
c_frmStart_confRestore=Are you sure to Restore?
c_frmStart_InfoNewItem=Super Utilities has detected that there are new programs have beed added to your startup categories since last run. They have been marked RED.
c_frmStart_InfoNotEnabled=This program will be unenabled until you click it checked.
c_frmStart_ProductName=Product Name:
c_frmStart_Internal=Internal Name:
c_frmStart_ProgramName=Program Name
c_frmStart_RunningCommand=Command Line
//const value for Uninstall Plus
c_frmDelSoft_MissingUninstallStr=Missing uninstall program
c_frmDelSoft_ConfirmDelInfo=Do you want to delete the software information from Registry?
c_frmDelSoft_ConfirmDelProg=Do you want to uninstall %s?
c_frmDelSoft_DetectNewInstall=Super Utilities has detected that there are new installed programs since last run.They have been marked RED.
c_frmDelSoft_ConfirmHide=Do you want to hide the software information from Registry?
c_frmDelSoft_ConfirmRestore=Do you want to restore the software information from Registry?
//Const value for Memory Turbo
c_frmMemTurbo_OK=Free memory completely!
c_USysperform_FreeProcess=Progress of free
c_USysperform_Novirtualmemory=Occupy Of Total Virtual Memory
c_USysperform_NoSwapFile=Available Page File
c_USysperform_SwapFile=Total Page file
c_USysperform_NoUsedMemory=Free RAM Memory
c_USysperform_UsedMemory=RAM Memory Used
c_USysperform_TotalMemory=Total virtual memory
c_USysperform_CpuUsag=CPU Usage
c_USysperform_virtualmemory=Virtual EMS Memory
c_frmMemTurbo_Start=&Free Memory
//Const value for ShortCut Repair
c_frmShortCut_Fixed=The Target of this shortcut has been fixed to
c_frmShortCut_CheckError=No items checked!
c_frmShortCut_ConfirmDelete=Are you sure you want send the item to the recycle bin?
c_frmShortCut_ConfirmDelete2=Are you sure you want send the %d items to the recycle bin?
c_frmShortCut_SelectError=No items selected!
//Const value for About
C_FrmAbout_lbThanks=We sincerely appreciate your support of SuperLogix. Now you become a legal user of Super Utilities.
c_frmAbout_lbRegistered=Thank you for choosing Super Utilities. You become a legal user of SuperLogix now!
c_frmAbout_lbUnRegistered=Your are using a trail version.
c_frmAbout_prgLeft=You have %d days left to try Super Utilities.
c_frmAbout_licensed=This product is licensed to:
c_frmAbout_code=Registration Code:
//Const value for Folder Guard
c_frmFileDirLocker_IncorrectInst=This function need you reboot system.If there is still problem, reinstall software please.
c_frmFileDirLocker_FailSetting=Fail to apply.
c_frmFileDirLocker_FailAdding=Fail to add.
c_frmFileDirLocker_InvalidDir=Invalid Folder(s).
//const value for Tracks Washer
Word=Recent Files of Word
Excel=Recent Files of Excel
Access=Recent Files of Access
PowerPoint=Recent Files of PowerPoint
FrontPage=Recent Files of FrontPage
MediaPlayer=Tracks of MediaPlayer
RealOne=Tracks of RealOne
ACDSee=Tracks of ACDSee
StartDoc=Recent Documents History
StartRun=Start Menu Run History
MyNetwork=NetWork History
IEAddress=Address Bar History
IEHistory=Internet History
//const value for ExeLock
c_frmExeLock_FileNotFind=File Can not be found!
c_frmExeLock_FileNotProtected=This file is not protected by Super ExeLock!
c_frmExeLock_FileUnProtected=This file has been successfully unprotected!
c_frmExeLock_ProtectError=This file can not be unprotected Now!
//const value for System Information
c_USysperform_FreeSpace=Space Total
c_USysperform_Device=Computer Device
c_USysperform_NoName=Template No Name
c_USysperform_User=User Name
c_USysperform_OS=Operation System
c_USysperform_WindowsFile=Windows Folder
c_USysperform_SystemFile=System Folder
c_USysperform_WindowsVersion=Windows Version
c_USysperform_WindowsTime=Windows Run Time
c_USysperform_IEVersion=IE Version
c_USysperform_DirectX=DirectX Version
c_USysperform_Memory=Physical Memory
c_USysperform_VedioCard=Video Card
c_USysperform_Audio=Audio First Device
c_USysperform_KeyBoard=KeyBoard: IBM KeyBoard Extender
c_USysperform_MUsed=Used Memory
c_USysperform_MTotal=Total Memory
c_USysperform_MNoUse=Unused Physical Memory
c_USysperform_MSwapFile=Account Of Exchange Files
c_USysperform_MNoSwapFile=Unused Exchange Files
c_USysperform_MVirtual=Virtual Memory
c_USysperform_MNoVirtual=Unused Virtual Memory
c_USysperform_DControl=Disk Controler
c_USysperform_Dtotal=Partion Total Space
c_USysperform_DFreeSpace=Disk Free Space
c_USysperform_DSerial=Serial Number
c_USysperform_DFileSys=Files System
c_USysperform_DSectorsPerCluster=Sectors Per Cluster
c_RightKey_DeleteSendToConfirm=Do you want to delete the item?
//Updated in version 4.0
c_frmSpy_SpyName =Spyware Name:
c_frmSpy_Location = 'Location:
c_frmSpy_Description =Description:';
c_frmSpy_Risk =Risk Level:
c_frmSpy_StartScan =Start Scan
c_frmSpy_StopScan = Stop Scan
c_frmSpy_NOFindSpy = No spyware has been found on your computer!
//Updated in version 4.2
mnSysTools=Windows Tools
hint_SysTools=Windows includes several essential utilities that can help you to keep your system stable and running smoothly. Unfortunately, many people don't know about them because they are quite difficult to find. This utility provides direct access to these useful tools, making it easier to use them regularly.
bt_regedit.caption=Scan Disk
slbScanDisk.Caption=Power failures, system crashes and switching off your PC without shutting down Windows properly can all cause errors on your hard drive, including lost fragments, cross-linked and invalid references to files and so on. ScanDisk indentifies and corrects these problems.
slbDefrag.Caption=If your computer seems to getting more and more sluggish it may be because your hard disk is fragmented. Windows stores files in lots of little blocks, using any empty space it can find. As time goes on more and more files get spread out all over the disk, and accessing them takes longer and longer. The Disk Defragmenter utility reorganizes your hard disk so that all blocks of each file are kept together, and this makes accessing them much faster.
btnsysrestore.caption=System Restore
slbRestore.Caption=System Restore is a Windows XP utility that allows you to restore your computer to a previous state if a problem occurs, without losing your personal data files. This is done with backup files called restore points. Windows XP creates restore points automatically every day and when significant events occur (for example when you install a new program), and you can also create restore points manually.
bt_dxdiag.caption=Directx Tool
slbDirectx.caption=The DirectX Diagnostic Tool is designed to help you troubleshoot DirectX-related issues. It displays configuration information about your computer's audio, video, and input devices.
bt_sysedit.caption=System Edit Tool
slbSysedit.caption=This utility is a program that allows you to modify 4 of the windows configuration files, the Autoexec.bat, config.sys, win.ini and system.ini. One of the important features of sysedit is that it automatically saves a copy of each of the files when it is first opened making it safer in case you make a mistake by giving you the chance to retrieve the previous copy.
bt_drwtsn.caption=Dr. Watson
slbWatson.caption=Dr. Watson for Windows is a program error debugger that gathers information about your computer when an error (or user-mode fault) occurs with a program. Technical support groups can use the information that Dr. Watson obtains and logs to diagnose a program error. When an error is detected, Dr. Watson creates a text file (Drwtsn32.log) that can be delivered to support personnel by the method they prefer. You also have the option of creating a crash dump file, which is a binary file that a programmer can load into a debugger.
//Added in version 4.8
spSkinLabel1.Caption= Windows Protected Storage Information:
spSkinStdLabel1.Caption=User Name:
spSkinLabel2.Caption=Information of Outlook Express Account
spSkinStdLabel3.Caption=User Name:
tsAutoPass.Caption=Auto Password
spSkinStdLabel5.Caption=User Name:
spSkinLabel4.Caption=Information of Autocomplete Password
lvformValue.Columns[0].Caption=Information of Auto Complete Form Data
midelete.Caption=Rem&ove Selected Item
ClearAllPasswordandAuto1.Caption=&Remove all Passwords and AutoComplete strings
miHide.Caption=&Hide all Passwords and AutoComplete strings
miShow.Caption=&Show all Passwords and AutoComplete strings
Export2.Caption=&Export all Passwords and AutoComplete strings
ImportFromFile1.Caption=&Import Passwords and AutoComplete strings From File
DeleteSelectedItem1.Caption=Rem&ove Selected Item
RemoveallPasswordsandAutoCompletestrings1.Caption=&Remove all Passwords and AutoComplete strings
miHideallPasswordsandAutoCompletestrings.Caption=&Hide all Passwords and AutoComplete strings
miShowallPasswordsandAutoCompletestrings.Caption=&Show all Passwords and AutoComplete strings
ExportallPasswordsandAutoCompletestrings1.Caption=&Export all Passwords and AutoComplete strings
ImportPasswordsandAutoCompletestringsFromFile1.Caption=&Import Passwords and AutoComplete strings From File